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Matthew Brough has been a pastor of small, faithful congregations in the Presbyterian Church in Canada for over 13 years and is currently serving Prairie Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg, MB. He has been a church planter, and been involved in youth and young adult ministry for many years. He lives in Winnipeg with his wife, Cheryl, and their daughter, Juliet.
Matthew is also the author of a series of fantasy adventure books The Del Ryder series, for ages eight and up. He is also a podcasts at : Spirituality for Normal People a podcast that “features interviews with pastors, authors, and just regular people (hint: there are no “normal people”) about the practical ways they stay connected to God.”
We talk about his new book, Let God be God: Give Control to the Only One Who Can Set You Free. He’s also written Let God Be Present: Uncovering the Will, Courage, and Persistence to Truly Connect and What To Do When You’re Waiting on God: Shifting Your Mindset As You Wait For God To Act.